You're invited to the following Dhamma talks by two interesting international venerables in the month of November.
Date: 23rd November 2008 , Sunday
Speaker: Ven. Pannyavaro
Time: 8.00 pm
Date: 23rd November 2008 , Sunday
Speaker: Ven. Pannyavaro
Time: 8.00 pm
Topic : Meditation for Insights
Ven. Pannyavaro an Australian Buddhist monk has devoted his life to the meditation aspects of the Buddha’s teachings. He practiced under several meditation masters in Sri Lanka and Burma including Ven. Sayadaw U Janaka.
He received full ordination at Wat Borvornivet in Bangkok under Ven Phra Nyanasamvarva, the Sangha Raja of Thailand .
He combines his long training and life experience to bring together a practical, in-depth approach to the teaching of Vipassana meditation. He has been involved in setting up a new Vipassana meditation centre – Bodhi Three Forest Monastery and Retreat Centre in Northern New South Wales , Australia . He also the Vice President of The World Fellowship of Buddhists and The Buddhist Federation of Australia.
Ven. Pannyavaro is also a webmaster and founder of, a computer information network established in 1993. It is Australia ’s first Buddhist website and is now one of the largest and most popular Buddhist website in the world with over 600,000 strikes per day.
Date: 25th November 2008 , Tuesday
Speaker: Ven. Thich Chan Phap Kham
Time: 8.30 pm
Topic: Be Still and Know: Seeing our inter-being nature
Synopsis: Human is one of many species living on this planet earth. Yet, we have been acting like we are the one and only species, using a lot of natural resources to serve our greeds – in the process destroying living environments of many other species driving them to extinction. Realizing we are inter-be with other species, we can live in harmony with them. Seeing that we are not separate from other people, we know that our happiness depend on other’s happiness and vice versas. This will bring peace and happiness and make our lives more sustainable. We will go back to our breathing, calming ourselves, and see how the practice of stopping and clear seeing can help us deal with the stress of modern life.
Ven. Thich Chan Phap Khan has been a student of renowed Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh since 1987. He was fully ordained as a monk in 2000 and has been a Dharma teacher since 2004. After his migration to the United States in 1979, he studied then worked as an electronics engineer for 14 years. From 1986 – 1997, he managed Vietnamese Cultural Society of Metropolitan Washington, an organization he founded to inculcate Vietnamese culture and values to Vietnamese-American youth in the Washington DC area. For the past three years he has been part of a team of Plum Village Dharma teachers, responsible for training about 400 novice monks and nuns in Vietnam and teaching the Art of Mindful Living in Southeast Asia .
Ven. Pannyavaro an Australian Buddhist monk has devoted his life to the meditation aspects of the Buddha’s teachings. He practiced under several meditation masters in Sri Lanka and Burma including Ven. Sayadaw U Janaka.
He received full ordination at Wat Borvornivet in Bangkok under Ven Phra Nyanasamvarva, the Sangha Raja of Thailand .
He combines his long training and life experience to bring together a practical, in-depth approach to the teaching of Vipassana meditation. He has been involved in setting up a new Vipassana meditation centre – Bodhi Three Forest Monastery and Retreat Centre in Northern New South Wales , Australia . He also the Vice President of The World Fellowship of Buddhists and The Buddhist Federation of Australia.
Ven. Pannyavaro is also a webmaster and founder of, a computer information network established in 1993. It is Australia ’s first Buddhist website and is now one of the largest and most popular Buddhist website in the world with over 600,000 strikes per day.
Date: 25th November 2008 , Tuesday
Speaker: Ven. Thich Chan Phap Kham
Time: 8.30 pm
Topic: Be Still and Know: Seeing our inter-being nature
Synopsis: Human is one of many species living on this planet earth. Yet, we have been acting like we are the one and only species, using a lot of natural resources to serve our greeds – in the process destroying living environments of many other species driving them to extinction. Realizing we are inter-be with other species, we can live in harmony with them. Seeing that we are not separate from other people, we know that our happiness depend on other’s happiness and vice versas. This will bring peace and happiness and make our lives more sustainable. We will go back to our breathing, calming ourselves, and see how the practice of stopping and clear seeing can help us deal with the stress of modern life.
Ven. Thich Chan Phap Khan has been a student of renowed Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh since 1987. He was fully ordained as a monk in 2000 and has been a Dharma teacher since 2004. After his migration to the United States in 1979, he studied then worked as an electronics engineer for 14 years. From 1986 – 1997, he managed Vietnamese Cultural Society of Metropolitan Washington, an organization he founded to inculcate Vietnamese culture and values to Vietnamese-American youth in the Washington DC area. For the past three years he has been part of a team of Plum Village Dharma teachers, responsible for training about 400 novice monks and nuns in Vietnam and teaching the Art of Mindful Living in Southeast Asia .
"A lotus for you all, Buddhas to be." ~ teaching from Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh
Buddhist Gem Fellowship
w : http://bgf.buddhism .org e : bgf_moderator@
BGF Centre : 60A Jalan 19/3, 46300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. [map]
Buddhist Gem Fellowship
w : http://bgf.buddhism .org e : bgf_moderator@
BGF Centre : 60A Jalan 19/3, 46300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. [map]